Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New year's resolutions

Ok, ok...It has now been almost a half a year since my last post, I am sorry to say. I received a pocket size camera from Santa this year which will help ensure my photography desires. I realized that part of the problem is that my camera, which I love, is just too big to drag around.

I will try to post more this year - because as you all know, we are pretty exciting people (heeheehee)

Last night, we sat down to make our New Year's Resolutions - one of mine is to be more organized. To finish organizing my house and keep it that way - it will help limit stress, chaos, and bring a more zen like atmosphere to our home. So, wish me luck on that one.

Jacob's goal is to earn his Webelos badge and his Arrow of Light before his birthday. He is also very excited to do his science fair project this year...groan.

Spencer's goal is to earn his Life merit badge by his birthday. And he is really practicing for the jr high basketball team. Another goal.

Robyn's goal is to finish a couple of the values in her Personal progress for Young women's. She will do it too.

And of course, to have more fun together as a family - this seems to be a goal for the last few years...and seems to be getting harder as we all get a little older...groan.


Trisha said...

Nice! You are way ahead of me...I am thinking of quiting the whole resolution thing! I rebel and gain weight, my house is messier and I am mean to everyone. Maybe if I don't set goals it will be better? Good luck to you all! I think you will achieve them all but most importantly...the have fun one will be a given!

coolgadgets4u said...

You know the time comes and goes, it is what you make of each day.

Jackie Savi-Cannon