Thursday, February 21, 2008

I felt the earth move under my feet...

This morning, I felt the earth move. No, Kent really had nothing to do with it (heeheehee). I felt my first earthquake this morning. I was in bed, trying to get up this morning about 7:15am and my bed started rocking. Again, Kent had nothing to do with it:) I thought the kids were bumping up against it (typical thing at our house) but when I turned on the news, there was an earthquake in Wells, Nevada that could be felt at least in Layton.
It was a little spooky. But as Kent pointed out, combine the earthquake with the lunar eclipse last night, and the meteor that fell to the earth, and maybe the world is coming to an end!
Better start repenting for my evil ways or at least, try to be a better person. Or not.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday?

It is super tuesday - which is funny since it isn't really super. I guess I don't really like any of the candidates enough to be excited. Although this morning as the kids and I were watching the weather before school, Spencer told me he was voting for Mitt Romney, cause he's a Mormon. I said well just cause he's a Mormon, doesn't mean he will be a good president. And Spencer was quick to reply that of course it does. Ah, if it really were that easy. And how grateful I am for his innocence!
It is an incredible day, however, in that it is the first time a female and an african american has been this successful in a run for president. I don't really like Hillary, so she won't get my vote, but it is pretty cool. But Obama is pretty inspirational. I don't really care that much for him either, but he is a great speaker.
And as far as the republicans go, it is like a bunch of little boys on the playground. Fighting, making alliances, ganging up on each other. They need a woman to smooth it out. But honestly, republicans will never elect a woman - dang chauvinists!
Maybe it is just too dang cold and snowy for me to make a decision!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


This is just a general post, in other words - nothing specific, Betsy has been doing all of the posts and I (Kent) thought that I would add something to the quaility work that she has been doing. I have been reading all of the posted blog links that are listed and have enjoyed prying into everybody's life! Even if it is only just a little bit. Things are good in the Dixon household, we had more snow this weekend and are expected to have more tomorrow, during the Superbowl. We will be watching the game but since the Cowboys are not in it, we will be watching it for the commercials! Otherwise life is just the same here, busy with kids, chores, homework, work and selling homes as much as possible. So keep up the good work letting us into your lives and we will let you peek into ours!