Thursday, February 21, 2008

I felt the earth move under my feet...

This morning, I felt the earth move. No, Kent really had nothing to do with it (heeheehee). I felt my first earthquake this morning. I was in bed, trying to get up this morning about 7:15am and my bed started rocking. Again, Kent had nothing to do with it:) I thought the kids were bumping up against it (typical thing at our house) but when I turned on the news, there was an earthquake in Wells, Nevada that could be felt at least in Layton.
It was a little spooky. But as Kent pointed out, combine the earthquake with the lunar eclipse last night, and the meteor that fell to the earth, and maybe the world is coming to an end!
Better start repenting for my evil ways or at least, try to be a better person. Or not.


Kofa High Sports Medicine said...

Yuma has had 4 of those little earthquakes in the last month! One of them was during school. It's the craziest feeling ever! did not make me repent for my evil ways...i guess it'll take a bigger catastrophe. ;)

Anne Dixon said...

Never been in an earthquake yet. No desire to be in one either, though i suppose a little one like taht wouldn't be to bad