Monday, September 29, 2008

Let me just vent for a minute.

I have decided that while I originally started this blog for our family that is so far away to be able to keep up with us, it is turning out to be more of a funnies and thoughts and memories for me.
And today I have just had it with some people. I have very rarely met someone who is so hateful and manipulative of other people. But, unfortunately, I have come across a couple of them as of late. Now, I realize that maybe I am not the easiest person to get along with. My friend once told me that I intimidate people. I really don't believe that, but I suppose it is possible. I just really have such high expectations of myself and therefore of those around me. I hope that it doesn't hurt people's feelings. I have, however, really had it with those who deliberately hurt people and manipulate them to be able to get what they want out of a situation. They are mean and hateful all to make themselves look better, when in reality, they are miserable with themselves. I also know that it shouldn't bother me as much as it does. I should just shake it off and let them be miserable by themselves or with those few people who find them acceptable. It just is very difficult when they lie about me or those I love - blatently lie - especially to people who know better.
So, I am sure that I will one day have to face God and be judged for not forgiving them or not loving them. I accept that. I hope that one day, I get to be the fly on the wall when they get to be judged. I wish that people could just be good people - or at least try to be good people. It would make this world a much better place.
Anyone out there know what I mean? or have any great ways to deal with these hateful people? Cause right now, the only way I am dealing with it, is to get really angry and vent on my blog. Hmmmm. (Or slap my husband with a catalog - see Buffy's blog


Kofa High Sports Medicine said...

Problems in the PTA or problems with family? I guess I just wanna know who's ass you want me to kick!

Buffy said...

Go Hoov! the way...I like the catalog idea...just kidding, Kent! :)

Heather said...

Hey I totally hear ya! I'm sure I seem hateful when I tag you. Just wanted to read your answers. I was sure they would be entertaining. Of course I was right! Now what should we do about these people? I've got a few I'd like to deal with myself:)

Anonymous said...

It must be the time if year. I am so sick of so many people around me. My kids got a lecture today on the importance of being on time ot places. They weren't late, just the neighbor. Why can't people be on-time 10:30 means 10:30, not 11:05. Apparently, her time is way more important than the three other mom's and their kids who were waiting to leave for the park. I just left and when she showed up thirty minutes late my kids were happy and not mad about having to sit in the car waiting for her.

Leave them behind, they will either catch up or go away.

Cindy said...

I'm with Kathy, I want to know who's got your panties in such a bunch...